Thursday, July 16, 2009

New Member Categories

After wrestling with membership categories and finding something that works we've settled on having to kinds of members--Residents and Roamers.

Basically Residents get to keep all their junk at their desk and get first pick of the conference room. Roamers get to bring in their laptops and find a free desk. The cost is figured on a 3:2 ratio. Whew, let's see if this works. It's more in line with other coworking spots, so it has promise.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Train! The Train!

Yes, out our backdoor there was a big, green train engine towing three cars stacked with new railroad ties.

Friday, May 8, 2009

SoCo 1st Stop on Aqus Cafe Pub Crawl

Saturday, May 9th, SoCo Depot will host the 1st stop of the Aqus Cafe Pub Crawl from 7-8:30.

SoCo Depot is the Northbay's 1st Coworking site, where writers and creative professionals share ridiculously inexpensive office space in a 100 year-old train station in downtown Penngrove, CA.
(Sound good? We're looking for new members.)

Join us for food, wine, live music and great conversation in a bright loft-like space with real historic ambiance and get a coupon for a free day at SoCo Depot.

Conversation starters at the Crawl: Bring with you something you or a friend has written, a poem, a letter to the editor, a flier, brochure or book.

We're at 11790 Main St., Suite B. in Penngrove.
Call Anthony at 707-981-4820 for more info.

Friday, April 10, 2009

If you weren't there, you missed out!

Our speaker last night, Craig Nathanson, was great. Perfect for our changing times, he gave great advice on how we can-- and should-- all be thinking about what we really, really, really want to be doing with our time in terms of work.

He then presented a concrete plan to help us figure out what that is, and then start to make it happen. Wowie.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Our Poor Roadside Sign

Well, our roadside stand finally gave up the ghost just like Hines Signs said it would after it was in the sun for months and months. It served us well.

If you know anyone who has a used, wood A-frame let us know

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Craig Nathanson At SoCo Depot, April 9th

Our lecture series SoCo Depot Presents welcomes international speaker/author Craig Nathanson, The Vocational Coach, on Thursday, April 9th, 2009 from 7-9 p.m.

Craig will speak about his latest book: Don't Just Retire And Die: A New Approach to Your Work and Life After 40.

Craig is a dynamic speaker with down-to-earth advice for midlife career changers, or those facing major change in their life or work in these challenging times.

The book talk will be at SoCo Depot coworking site, 11790 Main St. #B in Penngrove. A book signing with wine and snacks will follow. This event is free and open to the public.

For more information call Craig Nathanson at 707-775-4020 or visit
For more about our awesome coworking site in a train station in Penngrove, or to join, see